
When I first really got into cooking, like knew I was going to do this FOREVER, I was a wee 16 year old girl.  It truly was some kind of calling but on the opposite side of the spectrum.  I found it, instead of it finding me.

For the longest time I honestly thought that pastry and desserts were to be my path to culinary careerism.  Nope.  Not. At. All. I can honestly say that I despise making desserts.  I don't know why this is. I really think that my patient level has gone down tremendously in years.  I don't want to measure nor do I want to babysit the oven with the light on making sure everything sweet is rising to the occasion.

That being said, when I do have a menu that requires dessert or a little something sweet I have my "go-to's" with a few requirements.

Requirements being, I don't have to "cut" anything (i.e. cake or pie that could end up being a mess or a sheer ugly catastrophe. Must have clean lines). Not really anything that calls for precise measuring (the least amount of items to clean the better). Items that require a timer or anything that needs a super careful watch.

What do I consider a sweet treat made by yours truly?

1) Financier--almond cake, easily prepared individually, flawless
2) Spiced Poached Pear--seasonal and can last a long time in its own red wine liquid.  Plus served with vanilla cream can only be a plus
3) Classic Vanilla Panna Cotta--heat milk/cream/sugar + gelatin + 24 hour refrigeration (no oven necessary) = pure and delicious simplicity.